
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

(CS4U) Legend of the Raindrop





The legend of the raindrop,
Has a lesson for us all.
As it trembled in the Heavens,
Questioning if it should fall.

For the glistening raindrop argued,
By the genie of the sky.
I am beautiful and lovely,
As a sparkle here on high.

And hanging here I will become,
Part of the rainbow's hue.
And I'll shimmer like a diamond,
For all the world to view.

But the genie told the raindrop,
Why do you hesitate to go?
For you will be more beautiful,
If you fall to earth below.

For you will sink into the soil,
And be lost awhile from sight.
But when you reappear on earth,
You will be looked upon with delight.

For you will be the raindrop,
That quenched the thirsty ground.
And helped the lovely flowers,
To blossom all around.

And in your resurrection,
You'll appear in queenly clothes.
With the beauty of the sky,
And the fragrance of the rose.

For there is nothing lost,
Or eternally neglected.
For everything God ever made,
Is always resurrected.

So trust God's all wise wisdom,
And doubt the Father never.
For in His Heavenly Kingdom,
There is nothing lost forever.

~~Author Unknown.~~

great day bear22



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