
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Re: (CS4U) What Are You Becoming?

Wow, that's some message!

On 12/16/10, Toni Obodzinski <obodzinski@gmail.com> wrote:
> *What Are You Becoming?*
> In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of
> him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will,
> Ephesians 1:11
> In the Bay of Naples there is a jellyfish that loves to swallow a certain
> snail. But the snail has a hard shell and the jellyfish cannot digest it. So
> the snail fastens itself to the inside of the jellyfish and slowly begins to
> eat away at it. By the time the snail is fully-grown, it has consumed the
> entire jellyfish. Understand this: a lot of the things we think we can
> handle, finish up consuming us - things like appetites, overwork, stress,
> greed, or simply the aimlessness of our lives; there is a real killer!
> Fred Smith, author of* Learning to Lead*, once sent his friends a letter
> with three questions: 1) am I enjoying what I am doing? 2) am I happy with
> where I am going? 3) am I satisfied with what I am becoming? One of his
> friends, a top Wall Street broker, called him back and said, 'When I read
> the question, 'Am I satisfied with what I am becoming?' I said, 'absolutely
> not!' I am tired of grabbing the Wall Street Journal first thing every
> morning like it is my Bible. My life has no real meaning outside of my
> investments, so today I liquidated them all; I am quitting! Tomorrow I am
> beginning a new life and I want to thank you for giving me the courage to do
> it.' Do not end your life feeling empty, having your insides eaten away by a
> quest for things that cannot satisfy. God has a wonderful plan for you. (See
> Jeremiah 29:11). Spend time with Him today and let Him tell you about it.
> *Prayer
> **Heavenly Father, help me conform to the purpose of your will – help me to
> follow the passion you have instilled in me and go away from that which is
> eating me alive! In Jesus' Name, Amen*
> --
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Re: (CS4U) Loving Difficult People

Really trying to do this. At the moment, except for my daughter, I
don't think I have even one truly authentic friend here in real life.
I have some people from church but no one real close. I have
absolutely NO close friend who is sober, not messed up by pot,
alcohol, or meds. I just want one real life clear-headed
authentically HONEST friend who has a mind free from any
mind-altering drug, legal or illegal, who I can be with in the "here
and now" in person.
Can you even talk about "truth" anymore? Not hardly. Everyone wants
it all to be
nice and happy. It's like everyone is blind and do not want to see.
Well, I can't be like that. So I have Jesus who is my best truly
authentic friend who will allow me to be radical for the truth in Him.
Thankful for that. Yet I still desire a kindred soul for a friend,
who sincerely desires the truth.
So how DO we love "difficult" people? When I am the "difficult"
person in their immediate world also??? Does it mean I have to listen
quietly, nodding my head, smiling sweetly, suppressing my true
opinions? Is that part of what it means to take up my cross?
There is one particular person I have committed myself to love.
Believe me the loving feeling isn't there all the time. And when it
is there, she never fails to "twist the knife" with her backstabbing
and ruin the good friendly feeling. Yet to my face, she is nice.
Others have said she "keeps me around" because she can manipulate me.
Well I guess she does to a point. But when I stand my ground on a few
things, she continually goes behind my back trying to undermine me,
like a spoiled brat who can't get her way. I have continued to put up
with it, have not bailed and run, although I have been urged to. Been
told to quit being the martyer. It hurts my heart.
Love is telling me to keep going until the end, so I will. Maybe it
will be a lifelong relationship like this. Maybe she will just dump
me and go on. I will just pray for God to work it out, because I am
just not sure what to do.

On 12/17/10, Toni Obodzinski <obodzinski@gmail.com> wrote:
> *Loving Difficult People*
> **
> If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
> Romans 12:18
> 1) Perspective. How do you see yourself? How do you see others? Understand
> this: it is impossible to consistently behave in a manner that is
> inconsistent with the way you see yourself. If you see yourself negatively,
> you will see others that way too. The opposite is also true; people who see
> themselves positively, look for the good in others and generally find it. It
> is all in your perspective.
> 2) Process. Do you understand that every relationship goes through stages?
> Some people see a relationship as a series of isolated incidents and as a
> result, one bad incident can ruin it. Their friendships are precarious
> on-again-off-again associations. They run every time a difficulty arises;
> therefore they seldom, if ever, develop long-standing relationships.
> 3) Problems. How are you handling your relationship problems? Here is how
> God says you should be handling them. 'Love never gives up. Love cares more
> for others than for self ...isn't always 'me first,' doesn't fly off the
> handle, doesn't keep score of the sins of others ...puts up with
> anything...always looks for the best, never looks back, but keeps going to
> the end' (1 Corinthians 13:4-8). Stop! Read those words again and let them
> sink in. This kind of love is an act of your will, not a product of your
> emotions. It is based on a commitment to love. Make that commitment today
> and watch things begin to change for the better!
> *Prayer
> **Heavenly Father, help me develop a love for others that is an act of the
> will, and not only my emotions. In Jesus' Name, Amen*
> --
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> "Christian_Singles_4U" group.
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> christian_singles_4u+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
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> http://groups.google.com/group/christian_singles_4u?hl=en.

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Re: (CS4U) Please pass on..................For our Military..

Toni, awesome is just the word for this kind of thing. Thank you 
-------Original Message-------
Date: 12/17/2010 11:18:30 PM
Subject: (CS4U) Please pass on..................For our Military..







Here is a good one to pass on.









If you go to this web site, www.LetsSayThanks.com   you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving in  Iraq . You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to a member of the armed services.


How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one!!!    It's FREE and it only takes a second.   

Whether you are for or, against the war, Our Soldiers  need to know we are behind them,& are Praying for they're safe return & soon!! 


This takes just 10 seconds and it's a wonderful way to say thank you.    Please take the time and please take the time to pass it on for others to do.  We can never say thank you enough.


Thanks for taking to time to support our military!





Check it out it is true. 



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(CS4U) December 18 - Fringe Issues

Days of Praise
Fringe Issues
December 18, 2010
"And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient." (2 Timothy 2:24)
One of the plagues of modern-day Christendom is that many take up side issues and deem them all-important--a point of separation between them and other Christians. Health foods, dress codes, and church constitutions are not unimportant, but Christians can hold different opinions and still be walking with God. Note the scriptural admonitions: "Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace |i.e., primary issues|; not with meats |i.e., fringe issues|, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein" (Hebrews 13:9); "foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes" (2 Timothy 2:23).
On the other hand, there are many scriptural commands to hold "fast the faithful word" (Titus 1:9); to "keep that which is committed to thy trust" (1 Timothy 6:20). Many of these points of "sound doctrine" (Titus 1:9) are absolutely essential, such as the deity of Christ, the authority of Scripture, salvation by grace, the resurrection of Christ, and many others clearly and specifically taught in Scripture. Perhaps the rule might be, if it's an essential doctrine, teach and defend it at all costs; if it's a secondary doctrine, teach it in "meekness" and love (2 Timothy 2:25). But if it's a fringe issue, avoid strife over it, allowing brothers to exercise their freedom.
Is creationism a fringe issue? No! Few doctrines are so clearly taught in Scripture. Is it crucial to salvation? No! But it is essential to adequately understand the great primary doctrines for it is foundational to them all. Furthermore, it is the subject of origins which the enemy has identified as a major battleground, vowing to destroy Christianity over this issue. Here we must stand, if we are to guard our faith. JDM
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(CS4U) Leadership Promises ~ Know Your People Before Placing Them


December 18

Know Your People Before Placing Them

Also the sons of Hassenaah built the Fish Gate; they laid its beams and hung its doors with its bolts and bars. And next to them Meremoth the son of Urijah, the son of Koz, made repairs. Next to them Meshullam the son of Berechiah, the son of Meshezabel, made repairs. Next to them Zadok the son of Baana made repairs.
Nehemiah 3:3-4

Thomas Jefferson once said, "No duty the executive has to perform is so trying as to put the right man in the right place." Shortly after his arrival in Jerusalem, we see Nehemiah busily at work putting the right people in the right places. The text lists specific men as the builders of specific gates. Why? Nehemiah placed them in stations according to their natural gifts and interests and had them build the portion of the wall right in front of their homes. Talk about motivation!

Nehemiah recognized the principles that make organizations progress:
1. Motivation without organization equals frustration.
2. The strongest organizations are the simplest.
3. Leaders love everybody, but move with the movers.
4. Good organizations establish clear lines of authority.
5. People do what you inspect, not what you expect.
6. Leaders provide a supportive climate.
7. Successful organizations recognize and reward effort.

The Maxwell Leadership Bible

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(CS4U) Honor The Perfect Gift - God's One and Only Son

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God's broken Bread to satisfy our hunger;
God's conquering King to rule in our hearts;
God's healing Fountain to make us whole;
God's highest Purpose to fulfill our longings;
God's quieting Peace to bring us rest;
God's redeeming Love to make us His own.

They will call him Immanuel, which means "God is with us." Matthew 1:23 NLT

-Roy Lessin

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Honor The Perfect Gift - God's One and Only Son

Jesus is the gift that perfectly fits every heart
and it is with His love that all celebration starts.
We rejoice in Him as we remember His birth
and thank God for sending His only Son to earth.

His life led from a manger to a cross on a hill
where He faithfully followed His Father's perfect will.
He freely laid down everything so that we could live
and there is no greater treasure anyone could give.

Like a scarlet ribbon His love wrapped around the cross
and He offered it to us all at the greatest cost.
So each time that we give we remember what He's done
and honor the perfect Gift - God's one and only Son.

For God so loved the world that He gave... John 3:16

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Friday, December 17, 2010

(CS4U) Loving Difficult People


Loving Difficult People


If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
Romans 12:18


1) Perspective. How do you see yourself? How do you see others? Understand this: it is impossible to consistently behave in a manner that is inconsistent with the way you see yourself. If you see yourself negatively, you will see others that way too. The opposite is also true; people who see themselves positively, look for the good in others and generally find it. It is all in your perspective.

2) Process. Do you understand that every relationship goes through stages? Some people see a relationship as a series of isolated incidents and as a result, one bad incident can ruin it. Their friendships are precarious on-again-off-again associations. They run every time a difficulty arises; therefore they seldom, if ever, develop long-standing relationships.

3) Problems. How are you handling your relationship problems? Here is how God says you should be handling them. 'Love never gives up. Love cares more for others than for self ...isn't always 'me first,' doesn't fly off the handle, doesn't keep score of the sins of others ...puts up with anything...always looks for the best, never looks back, but keeps going to the end' (1 Corinthians 13:4-8). Stop! Read those words again and let them sink in. This kind of love is an act of your will, not a product of your emotions. It is based on a commitment to love. Make that commitment today and watch things begin to change for the better!


Heavenly Father, help me develop a love for others that is an act of the will, and not only my emotions. In Jesus' Name, Amen

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(CS4U) Please pass on..................For our Military..







Here is a good one to pass on.









If you go to this web site, www.LetsSayThanks.com   you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving in  Iraq . You can't pick out who gets it, but it will go to a member of the armed services.


How AMAZING it would be if we could get everyone we know to send one!!!    It's FREE and it only takes a second.   

Whether you are for or, against the war, Our Soldiers  need to know we are behind them,& are Praying for they're safe return & soon!! 


This takes just 10 seconds and it's a wonderful way to say thank you.    Please take the time and please take the time to pass it on for others to do.  We can never say thank you enough.


Thanks for taking to time to support our military!





Check it out it is true. 



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(CS4U) Leadership Promises ~ The Key to Continued Success


December 17

The Key to Continued Success

And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. 2 Timothy 2:2

Leadership is like a running head start for the team. Leaders see farther than their teammates. They see things more quickly than their teammates. They know what's going to happen and can anticipate it. As a result, they get the team moving in the right direction ahead of time and for that reason, the team is in a position to win. The greater the challenge, the greater the need for the many advantages that leadership provides. If you want to win - and keep winning for a long time - train players on the team to become better leaders.

The power of leadership carries over into every field. The business run by good leaders often finds its market niche first and outperforms its rivals, even if the rivals possess greater talent. The non-profit organization headed by strong leaders recruits more people, equips them to lead, and serves a greater number of people as a result.

Look behind the scenes of any great undertaking, and you will always find a strong leader. That's why I say that the difference between two equally talented teams is leadership.

The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

(CS4U) December 17 - Cursed or Blessed

Days of Praise
Cursed or Blessed
December 17, 2010
"Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD." (Jeremiah 17:5)
Jeremiah provides for us a striking contrast between the selfassured humanist and the one who has placed his trust in God. The man who looks to his own abilities or those of others to save him in time of trouble is "cursed." His existence will be one of futility, just as is that of a parched desert plant (v. 6). Why? Because his "heart departeth from the LORD" (v. 5), the source of strength and salvation.
Actually, Jeremiah uses a play on words here. The two words for "man" in our text are different: the first means "warrior" or "strong man," and the second a "normal man." The warrior who should be strong is cursed because he is trusting in one who is weak; in this case, any other man's wisdom or might, or even his own strength, when overestimated. What sense is there in that?
In contrast, "blessed is the man that trusteth in the LORD" (v. 7). "He shall be as a tree planted by the waters, . . . and shall not be careful |i.e., anxious| in the year of drought, neither shall cease from yielding fruit" (v. 8). Why? Because his "hope the LORD is" (v. 7). Here again we see the warrior--one who might be considered strong--trusting solely in the true "strong man," the Lord.
It is a tragic fact that even many Christians fall into the mindset of the autonomous humanist and attempt to live their lives (even "the Christian life") under their own power. Do we trust in our own feeble power or in the Lord? Every heart, whether humanist or Christian, "is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" (v. 9). Make no mistake! "I the LORD search the heart" (v. 10); He knows our inner motives. Let us recommit ourselves to trust in the Lord and make Him our hope. JDM
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(CS4U) Leadership Promises ~ Own Up to Their Mistakes!


December 16

Good Leaders

Own Up to Their Mistakes!

And David said to God, "Was it not I who commanded the people to be numbered? I am the one who has sinned and done evil indeed; but these sheep, what have they done? Let Your hand, I pray, O Lord my God, be against me and my father's house, but not against Your people that they should be plagued."
1 Chronicles 21:17

Times of failure not only reveal a leader's true character, but also present opportunities for significant leadership lessons. Following a major victory over the Philistines, King David made a major mistake. The king chose to listen to Satan, stopped trusting God for the defense of his nation, and undertook a census.

David's willingness to take responsibility for his foolish action demonstrated his depth of character. He repented and accepted punishment from the hand of God, trusting in the grace of God. Even so, David's error snuffed out the lives of seventy thousand Israelites. When leaders mess up, many people suffer.

Many leaders attempt to hide failures, blame others, or run from God. But David admitted his failure and repented. Although he faced many difficulties, David worked to restore his relationship with God and did whatever he could to minimize the consequences of his failure in the lives of others.

The Maxwell Leadership Bible

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(CS4U) Beyond The Barriers


Beyond The Barriers


"Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you," declares the LORD.
Jeremiah 1:8


At a coastal aquarium a big barracuda kept trying to attack a mackerel, but a glass barrier stopped it. After repeatedly bumping his nose into the barrier, he finally gave up and quit trying. Later when the barrier was removed, the barracuda would swim to the point where the barrier had been - but he could go no further. To him that barrier was still there. Are you like that? Do you have imaginary barriers in your mind that say 'so far and no further?'

When God called Jeremiah to be a prophet to the nation, he told the Lord that he was a lousy speaker, was not qualified and could not do the job. Immediately God said, 'Do not say that..' (Jeremiah 1:7). There are certain things you have to stop saying if you are ever to break through your mental barriers and self-imposed limitations. What God said to Jeremiah, He is saying to you today. 'You will go wherever I send you, you will do what I enable you to do, and whatever I have promised I will bring to pass in your life' (see Jeremiah 1:7).

God wants to change your conditioned response patterns and false belief systems. He wants to give you a new pair of glasses. Instead of seeing what you expect, He wants you to see what is possible. Instead of expecting the worst, He wants you to begin looking for the best, for that is what He has in mind for you today.


Heavenly Father, help me look beyond what I imagine I can do, and see what You have in store for me! In Jesus name, Amen

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(CS4U) What Are You Becoming?


What Are You Becoming?


In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will,
Ephesians 1:11


In the Bay of Naples there is a jellyfish that loves to swallow a certain snail. But the snail has a hard shell and the jellyfish cannot digest it. So the snail fastens itself to the inside of the jellyfish and slowly begins to eat away at it. By the time the snail is fully-grown, it has consumed the entire jellyfish. Understand this: a lot of the things we think we can handle, finish up consuming us - things like appetites, overwork, stress, greed, or simply the aimlessness of our lives; there is a real killer!

Fred Smith, author of Learning to Lead, once sent his friends a letter with three questions: 1) am I enjoying what I am doing? 2) am I happy with where I am going? 3) am I satisfied with what I am becoming? One of his friends, a top Wall Street broker, called him back and said, 'When I read the question, 'Am I satisfied with what I am becoming?' I said, 'absolutely not!' I am tired of grabbing the Wall Street Journal first thing every morning like it is my Bible. My life has no real meaning outside of my investments, so today I liquidated them all; I am quitting! Tomorrow I am beginning a new life and I want to thank you for giving me the courage to do it.' Do not end your life feeling empty, having your insides eaten away by a quest for things that cannot satisfy. God has a wonderful plan for you. (See Jeremiah 29:11). Spend time with Him today and let Him tell you about it.


Heavenly Father, help me conform to the purpose of your will – help me to follow the passion you have instilled in me and go away from that which is eating me alive! In Jesus' Name, Amen

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

(CS4U) GodTube Today - December 15, 2010

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Habakkuk 2:2-20

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