
Saturday, March 19, 2011

(CS4U) Gossip




"If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless."
James 1:26


Face it: gossip is bad – and the Bible clearly tells us that gossip is wrong. But when it comes to the special confidences that you share with your very closest friends, gossip can be disastrous. During World War II, there was a saying, "Loose Lips Sink Ships." And it also can be said that loose lips sink friendships.

The Bible reminds us that "Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing" (Proverbs 12:18). Therefore, if we are to solve more problems than we start, we must calculate our words carefully, and we must never betray a confidence. But sometimes even the most thoughtful among us may speak first and think second.

When we speak too quickly, we may say things that would be better left unsaid. When we forgo the wonderful opportunities to consider our thoughts before we give voice to them, we're putting ourselves and our friendships in danger.

A far better strategy, of course, is to do the more difficult thing: to think first and to speak next. When we do so, we give ourselves ample time to compose our thoughts and to consult our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


Dear Heavenly Father, Help me to keep a tight rein on my tongue. May my words, with Your help, build up and not tear down, encourage and not discourage, and bring healing and not suffering. Empower me to think before I speak and to honor You by what I say. I pray this in Jesus' Name. Amen

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(CS4U) Being Content Takes Practice


Being Content Takes Practice


I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.
Philippians 4:11


How can you find true contentment? By observing these three simple principles: 1) Seek it. Make contentment a daily choice. Come to the place where you really believe that more does not equal happier. To find contentment - simplify! 2) Say it. Cultivate the ability to say, "I have enough." Push back from the table and say, "I have had enough." Stand with the surprise bonus in your hand considering what you might buy and say, "I have enough. Lord, how can I use this for You" 3) Settle it. The Psalmist writes, "If riches increase, do not set your heart upon them" (Psalm 62:10). Do not let your income dictate your lifestyle. Choose a realistic level of living and do not compromise by spending more just because more arrives. If you do not choose your lifestyle the world will choose it for you, and it will probably be one beyond your means. Let your lifestyle be Biblically based; make it eternally focused! Consider this: if all the grains of sand on all the beaches of the world represented eternity, then you could say that one grain of sand represents your lifespan. Now think: you are over here grinding your one grain day and night to get everything you can out of it, while ignoring all the beaches of eternity that God has in store for you. Not too bright, you think? To be content, focus on eternity. Let enough be enough. Paul did! He said: "I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances" Contentment is something you learn; you have to work at it - daily!


Heavenly Father, help me be content with where I am and what you have entrusted to me – so that I can live life to its fullest. In Jesus' Name, Amen

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(CS4U) Beyond Your Comfort Zone


Beyond Your Comfort Zone


In my anguish I cried to the LORD, and he answered. What you enjoy today is a direct result of what you invested in yesterday. So, if you want the future to be different, start changing what you are doing.


Each of us has a comfort zone. We make most of our decisions based on it. Outside of it we begin to feel uneasy. For example, some of us lack self-confidence unless we wear name-brand clothes; others would not know an Armani suit from a tracksuit! Some of us are intimidated by those higher up the social ladder; others would be comfortable having tea with the Queen. Accomplishing anything worthwhile generally means expanding your comfort zone. That can be scary. It takes guts to leave the ruts! In a rut you learn to tolerate even unbearable situations, which makes change difficult. It takes courage to examine your life, decide what is not working and change it, especially when it involves changing jobs, locations, habits and relationships. But if you want the fruit, you have got to get out on the limb. Behold the turtle: he makes progress only by sticking his neck out. The Psalmist said, "the Lord set me in a large place." Taking a risk every day empowers you; it widens your space. So go ahead, talk to that person who intimidates you, ask your boss for a raise if you deserve it! Seize that opportunity; invest in that business; eat at a nice restaurant, even if it means dining alone! Each night before you go to sleep, plan tomorrow's 'risk.' Why? Because the wider your comfort zone, the less fear can control you.


Heavenly Father, help me expand into areas I now fear, knowing you are with me where I go. In Jesus' Name, Amen

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(CS4U) Before You Tie the Knot!


Before You Tie the Knot!

Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?
Amos 3:3

Sam and Hilda had been married for 50 years, yet they still fought continuously. One day Hilda said, "Sam, I have got the answer! Let's ask God to take one of us home - then I can go live with my sister!" Just because you are both Christians does not guarantee harmony. Here are some practical areas you need to E-V-A-L-U-A-T-E: Enjoy. Do you enjoy the same things? Maybe it is no big deal now, but later when he is glued to the television and you want a little conversation - it will be! Values. The Bible asks: "Can two people walk together without agreeing" Are you able to agree on child raising, finances, in-laws, goals, and your relationship with God? Those are make or break issues! Accessibility. Are you both emotionally accessible, or is he the strong silent type who does not communicate - or understand your need to? Love. Do you really love each other? Not the Hollywood version, but the kind that: listens to your partner's opinions and concerns, Overlooks their faults and failings, Values them, Expresses itself through kindness, Understanding. You will not agree on everything, but can you understand and handle each other's point of view? Appreciation. Dave McIntye says, "Appreciation is like an insurance policy, it has to be renewed every now and then." Do you make a habit of expressing yours? Temperament. Are your personalities compatible? If you are naturally upbeat but they are moody and introverted, you may have an oil and water mix. Environment. If you are from different backgrounds, are you comfortable in the same spiritual and social settings? Before you tie the knot - think carefully about these things!

Heavenly Father, help me EVALUATE. In Jesus' Name, Amen

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Re: (CS4U) Dad

Dear Bren,
My heartfelt sympathy to you & your family.  I know this is a difficult time. I am glad your prayer of being with him when he passed was God's will. May you feel God's Peace & Love now as you go through this period in time & always.
Love & (((Hugs))),

On Mar 19, 2011 2:44 PM, "brenbear2260" <brenbear2260@gmail.com> wrote:

Just to let you know my Dad passed this morning at 7:45 am God honored my prayers and I was the one with him so all glory to God. Bren

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Re: (CS4U) Dad

Brenda my deepest sympathy to you and your family

-----Original Message-----
From: brenbear2260 <brenbear2260@gmail.com>
To: christian_singles_4u <christian_singles_4u@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Sat, Mar 19, 2011 2:44 pm
Subject: (CS4U) Dad

Just to let you know my Dad passed this morning at 7:45 am God honored my prayers and I was the one with him so all glory to God. Bren
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(CS4U) Dad

Just to let you know my Dad passed this morning at 7:45 am God honored my prayers and I was the one with him so all glory to God. Bren

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I read an article in a magazine a few years old that was explaining
how risky
our aging nuclear plant facilities were getting.
So many things are at the point of needing to be replaced.

On Mar 16, 5:54 pm, Toni Obodzinski <obodzin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Am watching the news and the situation is getting worse and the next 48
> hours are crucial.
> They say worst case scenario the radiation that would come to the U.S. would
> not be harmful. But we have many nuclear plants here and some near high risk
> earthquake areas such as New York, California and Illinois.
> Toni

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Re: (CS4U) Dad

Keeping you in prayer Bren.

On Friday, March 18, 2011, LuAnn Phillips <lulafilippi@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thinking of you Bren.
> On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 9:32 AM, brenbear2260 <brenbear2260@gmail.com> wrote:
> My Dad is on his final journey home. He hasn't eaten for 3 days and is not drinking anything. This is so hard becaue it has happened really fast. Mom hasn't been gone a year yet and to think we will never come back to this house anymore and all the things it means to us.
> --
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> --
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Mary Herrick
Serenity Service Dogs
(Montana Owner Trainer Co-op) Butte, MT

Serenity's Startin Rovr TED SD

Serenity's Leap Of Faith IXAK SDIT hopeful

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Re: (CS4U) Dad

Thinking of you Bren. 
On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 9:32 AM, brenbear2260 <brenbear2260@gmail.com> wrote:
My Dad is on his final journey home. He hasn't eaten for 3 days and is not drinking anything. This is so hard becaue it has happened really fast. Mom hasn't been gone a year yet and to think we will never come back to this house anymore and all the things it means to us.

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Re: (CS4U) Dad

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, Bren.

On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 9:32 AM, brenbear2260 <brenbear2260@gmail.com> wrote:
My Dad is on his final journey home. He hasn't eaten for 3 days and is not drinking anything. This is so hard becaue it has happened really fast. Mom hasn't been gone a year yet and to think we will never come back to this house anymore and all the things it means to us.

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This is the day the Lord has made...Rejoice!  Be Glad in it!

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(CS4U) The Whisper of God - Thought for the Day

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From: TheWhisperofGod.com <elaydon@thewhisperofgod.com>
Date: Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 8:39 AM
Subject: The Whisper of God - Thought for the Day
To: tamihanks65@gmail.com

The Whisper of God - Thought for the Day 
Thought for the Day - March 17, 2011

"No situation is hopeless. There may be times when things seem quite bleak but once we lose hope - all is lost. Trust in God to guide your path and never let your trust in Him be overtaken by a loss of faith in His ways."
Have a marvelous day today everyone!
Elmer Laydon 

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 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Romans 15:13


 (`'·.¸(`'·.¸*¤*¸.·'´)¸. ·'´)
«´¨`·..¤ * Tami* ¤..·´¨`»
  ( ¸.·'´(¸.·'´*¤*`'· .¸)`'·.¸)

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(CS4U) K-LOVE's Encouraging Word - Proverbs 12:18 (NLT) - Thursday, March 17, 2011

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Date: Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 12:23 AM
Subject: K-LOVE's Encouraging Word - Proverbs 12:18 (NLT) - Thursday, March 17, 2011
To: tamihanks65@gmail.com

K-LOVE Radio

Thursday 3/17/2011

Some people make cutting remarks, but the words of the wise bring healing.

~ Proverbs 12:18, NLT |
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 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.  Romans 15:13


 (`'·.¸(`'·.¸*¤*¸.·'´)¸. ·'´)
«´¨`·..¤ * Tami* ¤..·´¨`»
  ( ¸.·'´(¸.·'´*¤*`'· .¸)`'·.¸)

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Thursday, March 17, 2011

(CS4U) Daily Prayer & Devotionals for Thursday, March 17, 2011



I always try to attach the IMF (Incredimail) letter File, and the blank tags for

Each Stationery single or set that I use for my daily shares.  If you

Do not have the original font I created them with, just write and ask me to

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At the bottom of each letter.


This year you will see some changes in the Daily Prayer, and in the Devotions, and

The Daily Scripture.  I hope you will be blessed by what the Lord has laid on my

Heart to share in 2011.



Pastor Karen




Lord please bless, keep, and guide each person this message reaches. Throughout each and every day, bless them with health, healing, and the abundant supply needed and keep them safe.  No matter the weather, temperatures, or other circumstances that should try to cause our body, mind or our spirits to be tried and tested! Guide them as they pray, ask and require.


Lord we humbly ask you for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit that would bring a worldwide revival, so that we can do all we can to help each other and our leaders to seek you and your wisdom, knowledge and understanding in all things to serve everyone they represent with honor and integrity and a heart of service.


Lord we ask that you send your ministering and warring angels and guard the hearts, minds, and bodies of all those that serve in the armed forces fighting for freedom from terrorism or any other threat to peace.  That you also be with their families and loved ones and keep them safe and supplied with all they need.  Be with those soldiers and their families that have been wounded in their bodies or minds in their time of service.


Lord in these hard economic times we ask that you stretch our funds, and supply us and our families with all our needs and more, so that we might help others who are in need to see your love from your people. Help us have charity/love in our hearts for those in our family and in our local areas that need food, clothing and housing,

Prayer, jobs, or direction. 


Let us not get so wrapped up in our problems that we forget others. Let us remember your word says give, it shall be given, and in blessing, I will bless you.


Dear Lord in sharing the words of prayers and words of wisdom from history, I hope to encourage all my readers of these messages, that we are not experiencing anything that others have not and you always provide. Let the readers also reflect on the time and circumstances of these prayers and words of wisdom.


To the corruptions of Christianity I am indeed, opposed; but not to the genuine precepts of Jesus himself. I am a Christian in the only sense in which he wished anyone to be; sincerely attached to his doctrines in preference to all others; ascribing to himself every human excellence; and believing he never claimed any other.

Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826)



A Christian is salt, and salt is the most concentrated thing known. Salt preserves wholesomeness and prevents decay. It is a disadvantage to be salt. Think of the action of salt on a wound. If you get salt into a wound, it hurts, and when God's children are amongst those who are "raw" toward God, their presence hurts. The man who is wrong with God is like an open wound, and when "salt" gets in, it causes annoyance and distress and he is spiteful and bitter. The disciples of Jesus preserve society from corruption; the "salt" causes excessive irritation which spells persecution for the saint.

Oswald Chambers (1874–1917)


Have a wonderfully blessed and prosperous day in the Lord today!





He shall put his hand upon the head of the burnt offering; and it shall be accepted for him to make atonement for him. (Lev. 1:4)


Ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers; but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. (1 Pet. 1:18, 19) Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree. (1 Pet. 2:24)


He hath made us accepted in the Beloved. (Eph. 1:6) As lively stones, … built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. (1 Pet. 2:5) I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. (Rom. 12:1)


Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. (Jude 24, 25)




In all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. (Heb. 4:15)


When the woman saw that the tree was good for food (the lust of the flesh), and that it was pleasant to the eyes (the lust of the eyes), and a tree to be desired to make one wise (the pride of life), she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. (Gen. 3:6 with 1 John 2:16)


When the tempter came to [Jesus], he said, if thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread (the lust of the flesh). But he answered, … Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. The devil … sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them (the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life). Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan. (Matt. 4:3, 4, 8-10 with 1 John 2:16)


In that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is able to succour them that are tempted. (Heb. 2:18)


Blessed is the man that endureth temptation. (Jas. 1:12)



This years devotions are taken from:

-Daily Light on the Daily Path, by Samuel Bagster Ed. 1-

Daily Light on the Daily Path or Daily Light is a Christian daily devotional scripture reading

published by Samuel Bagster about 1875. It has been reprinted continually since then.

There are many scripture references in each of them, I would encourage you to

look them up and read them in context.






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Blue Daisies 2011

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March 17, 2011


(CS4U) Today’s Puzzles for Thursday, March 17, 2011


Hope that everyone has a wonderfully blessed and prosperous day

In the Lord today!


This is an absolutely, lovely Irish Blessing presentation and was shared by a dear online friend.






Today's puzzle is: Golden Birdwing







The Braingle.com Trivia Quiz of the Day for Mar 17, 2011 is:


Title: Song: "Can't Buy Me Love"

Summary: Test your knowledge of this popular Beatles hit.



Sample Questions:


1. Complete the lyrics: "I'll buy you a ______ ring my friend, if it makes you feel all right."

2. Complete the lyrics: "I'll get you _______ my friend, if it makes you feel all right."

3. Complete the lyrics: "'Cause I don't care too much for _____, for _____ can't buy me love."


Take the Quiz: http://www.braingle.com/trivia/quiz.php?id=11819&e=28ab15ae7e6327b7acb5e9cb45f9acd7




The Braingle.com Brain Teaser of the Day for Mar 17, 2011 is:


Title: Be Inspired!

Category: Rebus



(Estimate/Never)^(+Thinking) - 2


You can get the answer, vote and comment on this puzzle here:






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March 17, 2011