
Saturday, October 29, 2011

(CS4U) Weather!!! & a Prayer Request

I heard snow in Texas!  The NE may get up to 10 inche near MD!!  Paul are you and Sue in the snow?  They said the weather there has not been like this since the Civil War!!
We're in the 50's but dry and cold @ night.
Please keep me in prayer as I have several doc / tests appointments coming up and I just get so overwhelmed thinking of it all. 
Last summer I thought I was pretty bad at staying in but this year has been worse.  I feel like I'm becoming homebound.  I tend to feel better in the evenings and nights which is a big conflict with appointments.  Just felt so drained, up until a couple hours ago, I've basically be in bed for the last 2 days.  Tend to get up ine evening.  I went to bed early last night after being in bed almost all day!  I woke up @ 7:30 but went back to sleep, up @ 9:30 and back to sleep.  Just no "get up and go".
Little Cupid at least gets me up and going a little to take care of him.  He's a house dog so I don't have to walk him.  But summer's gone and I hardly did anything.
I see my Neuro in December.  I feel like every year I have more fatigue.  Would appreciate prayers to at least get back to my baseline.
I miss our group here the way it used to be...
Thank you.

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