
Monday, December 27, 2010

(CS4U) Leadership Promises - Closer Than a Brother


December 26

Closer Than a Brother

But He answered and said to the one who told Him, "Who is My mother and who are My brothers?" And He stretched out His hand toward His disciples and said, "Here are My mother and My brothers!" Matthew 12:48-49

When you're looking for potential leaders, if someone you're considering lacks loyalty, he's disqualified. Don't even consider taking him on the journey with you because in the end, he'll hurt you more than help you. So what does it mean for others to be loyal to you?

1. They love you unconditionally - They accept you with your strengths and weaknesses intact. They care for you, but don't put you on a pedestal.
2. They represent you well to others - Loyal people may take you to task privately or hold you accountable, but they never criticize you to others.
3. They are able to laugh and cry with you as you travel together - This makes the trip less lonely.
4. They make your dream, their dream - Some people will share the journey with you only briefly. But a few, a special few, will want to come alongside you and help you for the rest of the way.

When people combine loyalty with other talents and abilities, they can be some of your greatest assets. If you find people like that, take good care of them.

Your Road Map for Success

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