
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Re: (CS4U) Prayer


On Sun, Jun 19, 2011 at 10:08 AM, Janice <pinkydoodle@windstream.net> wrote:
Father thank You so much for the rain in the south. They really needed it. Please have mercy on this country again for Your names sake and for those who still love and serve You. Please stop the serve storms, flooding, droughts, hurricanes, and earthquakes here. Give us leaders that listen to You. Men and women with integrity, honesty, godly God fearing people who will rule within Your rules and laws. We need honest judges again who will uphold Your laws.
We pray for the pastors that teach Your people. Fill them with understanding of Your scriptures so they can teach the truth. If any are in it for the money, power, or pride expose them for what they are-wolves in sheep clothing. Purify Your church. Pull her together in a oneness the world has not seen since she started. Cement her with love one toward another and oneness with You.
Touch all those who are sick or in pain and heal their bodies. In Jesus Name amen!!    

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