
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

(CS4U) Welcome AmyTomei

Everybody, please introduce yourselves.
Amy, Welcome to the group. I will let you share about yourself.
amy, like yourself, I have lost a family member to an accident caused
by a drunk driver. At the same time, I can't imagine what you're going
through. I'm glad you have found us and requested to join. I hope you
find the support you're looking for here.
I tend to be quite busy and have a hard time keeping up sometimes,
especially during the school year. I've never been married. I teach
algebra at a urban, Title I high school. I'm originally from Okla, but
have lived in TX for 22 yrs.
Please join in any conversation you wish. If there is anything I can
help you with, please feel free to email me directly.
Tammy in TX, Moderator

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