
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Re: (CS4U) CS4U....PAUL / SUE

Thanks Bren,
I saw that Sue's been active on Facebook not very long ago, so it's good to know she's able to be at the PC!
However, nothing here so unless we hear very soon, I'm just going to leave.  If we did offend her or whatever, I wish she would tell us.  If she decided the group was too much or she no longer wanted to be the part of it she's been, I wish she would of told us. I know the group can see this but since no one is really here it doesn't make any difference.
Unless we missed something that happened in the group.  If so, wish someone would tell us. 
It's just been too one sided for too long and I feel it's time to stop asking, etc.  If they wanted us, they would of told us.
Toni  (keep in touch)
So, we'll see.

On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 2:26 PM, brenbear2260@gmail.com <brenbear2260@gmail.com> wrote:
You did a fine job on this one. Now we wait. Blessings Bren 
-------Original Message-------
Date: 11/12/11 07:13:08
Subject: (CS4U) CS4U....PAUL / SUE

Paul the few that are still here would like to know if you're closing the group & if we should just move on.  We love & care for Sue but no message or post from her in so long makes us wonder why she hasn't at least relayed a message or posted a quick post.  Did we offend her in some way? Or is she still that ill? I know you always give her our love & let her know we're praying for her.   We've seen her a tiny bit on Facebook, but nothing here. We are concerned & feel like we / the group may no longer have a place in your lives and/ or the 2 of you perhaps have taken another turn with different priorities.  We understand that can surely happen but should we close the door on the group?
Please let us know. We are not trying to pry into your personal lives but do feel we should know what's happening with the group & how our dear friend is. I suppose if your reply is the same, that you will tell her,  that perhaps we should move on and take that as the message to do so & not inquire anymore.   We don't want to be a bother either. If that's the case, God's Blessings to all of you & you all have our private E-Mail 's as well.
Would Always welcome hearing from Sue or you.  We felt we've been family! Thank you.

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