
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

(CS4U) Today’s Puzzles


The full quote is in the footer of each letter.

Hoping everyone has a wonderfully blessed and prosperous day in the Lord today!


Today's puzzle is: Tree Parasites







The Braingle.com Brain Teaser of the Day for Apr 12, 2011 is:


Title: Behead 4

Category: Language



When you behead a word, you remove the first letter and still have a valid word. You will be given clues for the two words, longer word first.

Example: Begin -> Sour, acidic

Answer: The words are Start and Tart.


1. Pass by -> Temporary failure

2. Picture -> Wizard

3. Brave -> Fortunate

4. Enthusiastic meetings -> Partners

5. Attacked -> Helped

6. Choose -> Choose

7. Fragments -> Dice game

8. Customary practice -> Spiritual mentor


Bonus: Take the eight beheaded letters and form a one-word anagram; you will find something amazing.


You can get the answer, vote and comment on this puzzle here:






The Braingle.com Trivia Quiz of the Day for Apr 12, 2011 is:


Title: Sayings About Food

Summary: This quiz is all about all those sayings that involve food. WARNING! May cause hunger.



Sample Questions:


1. If I "buttered up" the teacher, what did I do?

2. What does it mean to "bring home the bacon"?

3. What does it mean to "walk on eggshells"?


Take the Quiz: http://www.braingle.com/trivia/quiz.php?id=13285&e=28ab15ae7e6327b7acb5e9cb45f9acd7




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Before They Prayed

 Perhaps the most astonishing characteristic

of Jesus' praying is that when he prayed for others,

he never concluded by saying, "If it be thy will."

Nor did the apostles or prophets

when they were praying for others.

They obviously believed that they knew

what the will of God was

before they prayed the prayer of faith.

They were so immersed in the milieu of the Holy Spirit  

that when they encountered a specific situation,

they knew what should be done.

Their praying was so positive that it

often took the form of a direct,

authoritative command.

Richard J. Foster (1942– )

No Tutorial

Graphic/Tubes Group Shares

Artists: Unknown

Font: Tennessee Light SF

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April 12, 2011


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