On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 9:38 PM, Tammy <singingwarrior@gmail.com> wrote:
On Apr 13, 9:12 am, "SueJohnson" <kingzkidz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Well, isn't this interesting.....
> sue
> My Aunt sent this to me, I don't use this stuff at all, wanted to share.
> GBU, Connie
> YOU * *USE THEM???*
> We live in the woods and carpenter ants are a huge problem. We have Spent
> thousands of dollars with Orkin and on ant poisons trying to keep them
> under control but nothing has helped. So when I read somewhere that
> aspartame
> *(NutraSweet)* was actually developed as an ant poison and changed to
> being considered non-poisonous after it was realized that a lot more money
> could be made on it as a sweetener than as an ant poison, I decided to
> give it a try.
> I opened two packets of aspartame sweetener, and dumped one in a corner
> of each of our bathrooms . That was about 2 years ago and I have not seen
> any carpenter ants for about 9 to 12 months. It works better than the most
> deadly poisons I have tried. Any time they show up again, I simply dump
> another package of NutraSweet in a corner, and they will be gone for a
> year or so again. Since posting this information I have had many people
> tell me of their success solving ant problems with this substance, when
> nothing else worked. I found later that small black ants would not eat
> the aspartame. It was determined that if you mixed it with apple juice,
> they would quickly take it back to the nest, and all would be dead within
> 24 hours, usually. I have found that sometimes it will kill them, and
> sometimes it does not. Not sure why, may be slightly different species of
> ants or something.
> Fire Ants: We got our first fire ant hill about 2 weeks ago. Poison did
> not work. We tried aspartame and the ants ignored it until we got a light
> rain. It was just a sprinkle, enough to moisten the NutraSweet and ground,
> but not enough to wash it away. They went crazy, hundreds of them
> grabbing it and taking it back into the mound. When I checked the mound 2
> days later, there was no sign of the fire ants. I even dug the mound up,
> and still saw none of them.
> How does it Work: *Aspartame is a neuropoison.* It most likely kills the
> ants by interfering with their nervous system. It could be direct, like
> stopping their heart, or something more subtle like killing their sense of
> taste so they can't figure out what is edible, or smell, so they can't
> follow their trails, or mis-identify their colonies members, so they
> start fighting each other. Not sure what causes them to end up dying,
> just know that for many species of ants it will kill them quickly and
> effectively.
> As with any poison I recommend wearing gloves and washing any skin areas
> that come in contact with this poison, and avoid getting it in your mouth,
> despite anything the labeling may indicate.
> More information on this poison can be found at:
> * _www.dorway.com_(http://www.dorway.com) * < _http://www.dorway.com/_
> (http://www.dorway.com/) >* *
> *The Truth About Aspartame...
> *Aspartame is NOT a natural substance!*
> * Aspartame is NOT a Diet Enhancement product!*
> *Aspartame is NOT safe - for ANYONE!*
> *Aspartame is NOT a food "additive" *
> *Aspartame is an UNREGULATED and UNSAFE DRUG!*
> *Aspartame in liquids turns to FORMALDEHYDE above freezing!*
> *Aspartame is even worse for DIABETICS!*
> *Aspartame poisoning is cumulative (it adds up!)*
> * Aspartame byproducts get stored in your FAT!*
> *Aspartame has 92 "Official" Side Effects (the worst is DEATH!)*
> * Aspartame MIMICS a wide range of problems*
> *Aspartame side effects are USUALLY MISDIAGNOSED!*
> *People with MS are warned to stay away from Aspartame!
> parchment_BG1.jpg
> 32KViewDownload
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