
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Re: (CS4U) Walking with the Lord as a single Christian *CHECK THESE GROUP QUESTIONS OUT *

good questions Sue.  As for me, I have grown into my "single Christian" skin.  I have come a long way since
joining this group.  Whenever I was feeling alone, lonely, or restless, I could check in to cs4u where I felt safe and loved, by Jesus and my fellow sisters and brothers in Christ.
More mature in my walk with the Lord now, I do not feel lonely or alone.  It's beyond words to describe the way i love Jesus, and knowing He is always there has become my normal.  Praise God He has lifted me out of the crappy way life felt before. 
I have no burning desire for a mate.  If someone came along that would be okay, but i am not actively seeking a mate.  Content to be alone.  WOW.  Praise God for that!
The main thing i have noticed about being a single Christian is I can listen to others better without my own crap to talk about.
On Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 12:58 PM, SueJohnson <kingzkidzsue@gmail.com> wrote:
MY , MY that is a mouthful, isn't it?
How can I be the most productive as a single Christian?
How do I deal with the constant feelings of being alone?
How do I seek/find companions to be friends, with like interest, other single Christians, maybe someone to occasionally date, or just someone to talk to?
I would like to see how you answer these questions and I will give you my input....
Remember, Paul and I are living on 2 different sides of the US, and there is no
Time in sight as to when we could possibly be reunited.
So, we fall into these same areas of discussions just like everyone else, here.
Paul, I will be looking for your answers, also.
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