Serve Him and Let Him Take Care of It
BIBLE MEDITATION: "Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men." Romans 12:17-18
DEVOTIONAL THOUGHT: A certain minister served a church for many years, then one day the church asked him to leave. He was talking to another preacher friend and said, "What they did to me was dirty. After all I did for them, and they treat me this way." The preacher friend listening to him thought to himself, "It's a shame he didn't do it for God."
If you're serving God in any way, don't do it for people; do it for the Lord. Serve Him. If you're doing right, people may mistreat you, but what difference does it make if you are serving the Lord? God will prove Himself faithful and will reward you for your obedience.
ACTION POINT: Don't bow to bitterness. Tell God what has happened. Let Him deal with it in His time. He'll take care of it.
Pass This On To a Friend | Discover Jesus | Read the Bible online I believe salvation is attained by grace through faith. That's not Baptist rhetoric. That's Biblical doctrine. But do you know what some people do with that? They say, "Hot dog! I don't have to do a thing to be saved. I can just get in the top berth of a Pullman car and glide along until we pull into the New Jerusalem." You know, just catch the next sleeper car to glory. These people don't like the idea that as Christians we are all going to stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ. And we are all going to give an account for how we used our time, our resources, and our faith. We are not saved by works, but we are rewarded by works. "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10 |
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