
Monday, May 16, 2011

Re: (CS4U) A Prescription for Loneliness/bren

I agree, Brenbear
-------Original Message-------
Date: 5/16/2011 10:47:23 AM
To: Group
Subject: Re: (CS4U) A Prescription for Loneliness
That would be a great idea. I get kind of bummed out when I go to my mail box and it's empty Click Me! think I will do just that go buy some plain cards and start getting addresses to send a little something to people. Hint here we need to start with all of us in this group. Love ya sue
-------Original Message-------
Date: 5/16/2011 8:19:25 AM
Subject: (CS4U) A Prescription for Loneliness
You know, we should be able to do this with email, as well as the post office. I do think that we all love to receive something by regular mail other than just advertisements and bills.

A Prescription for Loneliness

"O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in Thee." Psalm 25:20

You may be saved today and yet feel incredibly lonely. Let me give you a practical pointer for overcoming your loneliness. Quit dwelling on it. Reach out and try to help someone who is lonely.

Luke 6:38 promises that when we give, it shall be given to us. There is a locked-in likeness to what we give. It is the law of the harvest. If you want friendship, you must show yourself friendly (see Proverbs 18:24).

Why don't you keep a stack of cards and a pen handy to write a little note of encouragement to a shut-in? Get a prayer list and intercede for others. Travel around the world by means of prayer. Jack Hyles, a great preacher, said, "There is no life so empty as a self-centered life, and there is no life so centered as a self-emptied life." As you pour out yourself to others, the Holy Spirit will continually pour Himself into you.

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I believe salvation is attained by grace through faith. That's not Baptist rhetoric. That's Biblical doctrine. But do you know what some people do with that?
They say, "Hot dog! I don't have to do a thing to be saved. I can just get in the top berth of a Pullman car and glide along until we pull into the New Jerusalem." You know, just catch the next sleeper car to glory.
These people don't like the idea that as Christians we are all going to stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ. And we are all going to give an account for how we used our time, our resources, and our faith.
We are not saved by works, but we are rewarded by works. "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10
  Devotions taken from the messages of Adrian Rogers.

© 2011 Love Worth Finding Ministries | PO Box 38300 - Memphis, TN 38183-0300

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