
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

(CS4U) Are You Covetous? - Part 1


Are You Covetous? - Part 1


You shall not covet.
Exodus 20:17


God said: "Thou shall not covet" because covetousness can shipwreck you. "What is covetousness?" you ask. Here is a four-part definition: 1) Wanting the wrong things. Wanting power without a willingness to serve. Wanting control so that I can be at the center. Wanting wealth strictly for myself. Wanting glory and praise from others. 2) Wanting the right things for the wrong reasons. Paul writes, "If a man desires the position of a bishop [an elder], he desires a good work" (1Timothy 3:1). Wanting to make an impact - that is a good thing; but you have to want it for the right reasons. If you want it for egocentric purposes like personal recognition or power over others - that is covetousness. 3) Wanting the right things at the wrong time. A young couple says, "We love Christ and each other. We have committed ourselves to a lifetime together; we are going to get married in three months. But we want to sleep together now." They want the right things for the right reasons, but they want them at the wrong time - that is covetousness. 4) Wanting the right things but in the wrong amount. How much is enough? We do not know so we answer, "More!" Covetousness is wanting more than is required to provide for your needs and fulfill your God-given assignment. Get this: more of anything, other than God, will never satisfy the longing for fulfillment He has placed within you. Only when you acknowledge that and bring your life's choices into alignment with it, will you discover the key to true and lasting happiness.


Heavenly Father, give me patience and wisdom in my life to not be covetous of that which I do not have. In Jesus' Name, Amen

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