Are You Covetous? - Part 2
You shall not covet.
Exodus 20:17
Why do you keep caving in to sinful desires? 1) Because you have two natures. Like two cars approaching a junction at the same time, your old and new natures are constantly on a collision course. 2) When you dwell on a desire, yielding is only a matter of time. Ever go to your fridge when you are not hungry but are not really satisfied, looking for something to grab you? As bad as that is, it is worse when you do it in life. It is like surfing the web of behavior options, looking for something to make you happier than you are at this particular moment. When you covet something you make it more attractive and accessible than it really is. Eating too much? "I'll diet tomorrow." Smoking? "I know people who've smoked for 50 years and are still healthy." A one-night stand? "Nobody will ever know!" Covetousness maximizes the desire while it minimizes the danger. Understand this: it is impossible to dwell on a desire for any length of time without rationalizing a way to get it. Like starting the countdown on the Space Shuttle, it is just a matter of time until lift off. So, if you are dwelling on it, set the clock: yielding is inevitable. What is the answer? Change your focus! Listen: "Those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit" (Romans 8:5).
Heavenly Father, help me with my struggle with the two natures. Help me to daily drown that Old Adam that is in me and put on the New Adam in Christ Jesus. In Your Precious Name, Amen
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