
Thursday, January 27, 2011

(CS4U) Poem about mourning

Has been a rough week. Just trying to put one foot in front of the other.
But I came across this yesterday that was written by somebody whom I do not know in response to a friend's loss of a friend a couple of days ago. Bold indicates some of what is going on in me.

"i was just telling another friend today
that a few years ago a friend of mine died
she died of complications from lupus
and i felt guilty for mourning
she knew Jesus and i knew she was with him
but still i mourned
i asked god why,

why the tears when i should be happy
and he reminded me that we were not created for separation
we were created for relationship
in ever-increasing quality and quantity
and our spirit man does not know how to cope with this separation
this is why Jesus cried out on the cross, MY GOD!
so it is normal to mourn
and cry out with the martyrs under the throne......
how long....?"

so needless to say I've done a lot of crying  and am doing so again.

"Would not God who gave us this glorious creation of His, and who gave us the intelligence to be able to try and understand it, would He not be worshipped by our applying those tools to appreciate what He has done for us?" –Dr. Francis Collins

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