
Saturday, January 29, 2011

(CS4U) Today's Turning Point with David Jeremiah


Today's Turning Point

Weekend, January 29 & 30

Top Tens: persisTENce

...because of his persistence...
Luke 11:8

Recommended Reading
Luke 11:5-10

Sir David Michels, the former head of Hilton and a respected commercial leader, calls persistence "an enormously useful tool in business." Years ago, he was a sales representative for a London hotel that was having trouble filling its rooms. Michels knew that his problem would be solved if he could only persuade Japan Airlines to agree to use his hotel for its flight crews. Michels went to work learning the Japanese language. He traveled to Japan ten times. He took up golf (which he detests) because the Japanese airline officials enjoyed the sport. He persisted for over two years, and one day the competing hotel made a mistake and overbooked its rooms. Flight crews were stranded, and the airline turned to Michels. He got the contract. His secret was persistence.

In this New Year, God wants to give us success in holiness and ministry. He wants us to grow in Christ and in our calling as Christians. He wants to bless us and our efforts. He wants to answer our prayers. The key is persistence--it's an enormously useful tool in God's kingdom.

Failure has been identified as the line of least persistence.
Zig Ziglar

Exodus 38:1-Leviticus 4:35



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Turning Point with Dr. David Jeremiah
Copyright 2011


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