
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

(CS4U) Today's Turning Point with David Jeremiah


Today's Turning Point

Tuesday, January 18

Changing Teams

He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love.
Colossians 1:13

Recommended Reading
Acts 14:21-22

Sports fans watch annually as their favorite teams go through the ritual of trading players. Players leave the world they had known--teammates, club culture, hometown fans--and enter a new world when they are traded. They suddenly find themselves trying to defeat the same team they used to try to make victorious.

That's a somewhat inadequate way to introduce the idea of what happens when one becomes a Christian. But it helps illustrate that we are transferred from one "team" (the kingdom of darkness) to a new "team" (the kingdom of God). Without even knowing it, we used to work against the "team" of which we are now a member--"work" being the key word. Now, as a member of the kingdom of light (or kingdom of God, or kingdom of heaven) we are called by God to extend that kingdom by word and deed. We extend God's kingdom by spreading the Gospel, applying biblical values in the marketplace, promoting justice and righteousness, and speaking out boldly in the name of Christ when injustice, darkness, and carnality surface.

We are called to work hard to extend God's kingdom. When God gives you an opportunity today, grasp it with all your might!

The work of God cannot be done in the energy of the flesh.
Vance Havner

Exodus 2:1-5:23



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Turning Point with Dr. David Jeremiah
Copyright 2011


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