
Sunday, January 16, 2011

Im' Home :) Re: (CS4U) Going Out of Town

As if you can't guess since I sent in devos this morning :)
It was a loonnngg 24 hours!!  Left for MN at 8:45am, got to Mounds View just before 6pm and were
back on the road before 9pm.  Arrived home yesterday morning at 4am.  Needless to say, we didn't
unload the trailer until yesterday around 11am.  We were all a little punchy from lack of sleep and
pretty much non-functioning.
Thanks for the prayers that I know were being said on our behalf!!
After unloading the trailer and moving stuff out to the garage and the border's things in and getting
his room put together it was pretty much a lost day.  The Bad Babies and Nezzie were very confused LOL
I am totally lost without a car.  I start to get ready to run to the store, open the back door and just stand
there and stare...Mom's vehicle, Larry's vehicle, Dennis' vehicle...no pk's vehicle   So I close the door
and take off my coat, hat, gloves, put them away and realize that I didn't need anything, I just wanted to
go out, and I thank God for what I do have and get back to doing things around the house.
-------Original Message-------
From: pk
Date: 1/13/2011 3:02:43 PM
Subject: (CS4U) Going Out of Town
This is an unexpected trip.  Have to make a run to MN to help my new border move. 
Will be leaving tomorrow morning,  I'll send out devos, but won't be checking for mail
in my groups.
I thought I had until Saturday to get things finished at this end, but now I'll be up all
night to get things ready here.  When it rains, it pours! 
I'll be back online on Saturday sometime.  I will be taking my mini lappy with me, but
am not sure if I'll be able to get online while I'm gone.
Artwork ©Italia Ruotolo
License - MTA
January 12, 2011
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