
Monday, April 25, 2011

(CS4U) Today’s Puzzles for Monday, April 25, 2011



Hoping everyone has a wonderfully blessed and prosperous day in the Lord today!


Today's puzzle is: Pansy Yellow







The Braingle.com Brain Teaser of the Day for Apr 25, 2011 is:


Title: Delete Some Letters #2

Category: Language



In this teaser your task is to discover words, names and phrases relating to the holiday season.


You are to delete a few letters in each unrelated phrase in order to show the holiday. The remaining letters will be in the right order.


For example:




Becomes: **CH *RIST MAS***



1. FROGS TRY THEM SO NO WORM CAN (delete 7 letters)


2. CLINT TILED RED HUMMER BODY (delete 7 letters)


3. SPRINT FACE OFF PREFACE (delete 7 letters)


4. THE CREEP WISHES A MENU (delete 7 letters)


You can get the answer, vote and comment on this puzzle here:






The Braingle.com Trivia Quiz of the Day for Apr 25, 2011 is:


Title: Do You Have This Phobia?

Summary: How well do you know the names for the phobias that almost everyone has one or more of?  Watch for the clues!



Sample Questions:


1. If you have Achluophobia, you really should buy lots of lamps.

2. If you have Agateophobia, one might think you are a little "touched in the head".

3. If you have Agrizoophobia, I don't think you will enjoy visiting the local zoo.


Take the Quiz: http://www.braingle.com/trivia/quiz.php?id=325&e=28ab15ae7e6327b7acb5e9cb45f9acd7






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The Dogwood Tree



When Christ was on earth, the dogwood grew

To a towering size with a lovely hue.

Its branches were strong and interwoven

And for Christ's cross its timbers were chosen


Being distressed at the use of the wood

Christ made a promise which still holds good:

"Not ever again shall the dogwood grow

To be large enough for a tree, and so


Slender and twisted it shall always be

With cross-shaped blossoms for all to see.

The petals shall have bloodstains marked brown

And in the blossom's center a thorny crown.


All who see it will think of Me,

Nailed to a cross from a dogwood tree.

Protected and cherished this tree shall be

A reflection to all of My agony."


 Gold Weave Frame

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Artists: Russell Cobane

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April 25, 2011


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