
Monday, May 2, 2011

(CS4U) "Who's Your Daddy?" & Prayers~N~Praises

I love this story, I have been to that cafe in Gatlinburg, and Ben Hooper was there greeting everyone at each table.

Heavenbound Ministries



Hi Everyone,

This past week has been a real hard one for a lot of folks. The weather here in the eastern part of the United States has been horrific. Over 172 tornados touched down along with the largest, longest lasting tornado in history(the last I knew it had traveled over 318 miles. and destroyed a lot of property and lives. Our condolences and prayers go out to the families left behind. Jesus is the only one that can provide the level of comfort needed.


The way things are going, it sure does seem like the Return Of Jesus Christ is imminent. The Book of The Revelation tells all about the changes that are going on as we speak. It is a heart breaking time to see all of the suffering and yet it is a time of joy knowing that Jesus Christ will soon return and take those that have accepted Him as Lord and Savior back to Heaven to live with Him forever. Revival is needed in this land to rip those that are not saved from the clutches of the Devil. This world has turned its back on Jesus just as He said they would. Don't you do it. Stay strong and keep sharing the Love of our Lord and Savior with all you meet. You just might save another soul from Hell.


Thank you to a wonderful, Christian Brother, Ralph Vierday, for sharing today's wonderful message.

May God Richly Bless Each One Of You!

Maurice Burgess



"Who's Your Daddy?"


A Seminary professor was vacationing with his wife  in Gatlinburg, TN.  One morning, they were eating breakfast at a little  restaurant, hoping to enjoy a quiet, family meal. 

While they were waiting for their food, they noticed a distinguished looking, white-haired man moving from table to table, visiting with the guests. The professor leaned over and whispered to his wife, 'I hope he doesn't come over here.' But sure enough, the man did come over to their table.

'Where are you folks from?' he asked 

 In a friendly voice.'   Oklahoma ,' they answered.

'Great to have you here in  Tennessee ,'  the stranger said. 'What do you do for a living?' 

'I teach at a seminary,' he

'Oh, so you teach preachers how to preach, do you? 

Well, I've got a really great story for you.' And with that, the gentleman pulled up a chair and sat down at the table with the couple.

The professor groaned and thought to himself, 'Great .. Just what I need ...another preacher story!'

The man started, 'See that mountain over there? (pointing out the restaurant window). Not far from the base of that mountain, there was a boy born to an unwed mother. He had a hard time growing up, because every place he went, he was always asked the same question, 'Hey boy, Who's your daddy?' Whether he was at school, in the grocery store or drug store, people would ask the same question, 'Who's your daddy?'

He would hide at recess and lunch time from other students. He would avoid going in to stores because that question hurt him so bad. 'When he was about 12 years old, a new preacher came to his church. He would always go in late and slip out early to avoid hearing the question, 'Who's your daddy?'


But one day, the new preacher said the benediction so fast that he got caught and had to walk out with the crowd.

Just about the time he got to the back door, the new preacher, not knowing anything about him, put his hand on his shoulder and asked him, 'Son, who's your daddy?'

The whole church got deathly quiet. He could feel every eye in the church looking at him. Now everyone would finally know the answer to the question, 'Who's your daddy?'

'This new preacher, though, sensed the situation around him and using discernment that only the Holy Spirit could give, said the following to that scared little boy... 'Wait a minute! I know who you are! 


I see the family resemblance now, You are a child of God!' 


With that he patted the boy on his shoulder and said, 'Boy, you've got a great inheritance. Go and claim it.'

'With that, the boy smiled for the first time in a long time and walked out the door a changed person.. He was never the same again. Whenever anybody asked him, 'Who's your Daddy?' he'd just tell them, I'm a Child of God..''

The distinguished gentleman got up from the table and said, 'Isn't that a great story?'  The professor responded
that it really was a great story!

As the man turned to leave, he said, 'You know, if that new preacher hadn't told me that I was one of God's children, I probably never would have amounted to anything!' And he walked away.

The seminary professor and his wife were stunned. He called the waitress over & asked her, 'Do you know who that man was -- the one who just left that was sitting at our table?'

The waitress grinned and said, 'Of course. Everybody here knows him. That's Ben Hooper.

He's the governor of Tennessee.'

Someone in your life today needs a reminder that they're one of God's children.

'The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of God stands forever.' 







Don't forget, to PRAISE THE LORD for what He is doing in your life.

Praises are so very important, God loves to hear them. Share them with us.


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Please ONLY send prayers and praises to our prayer line, prayer-n-praises@heavenboundgroups.org .

There are many prayer requests that come in daily that do not want their prayers listed but want us to pray for them. We respect those wishes. We pray for each and every one of them throughout the day, whether or not they are published here. If you want your prayer listed yet want it signed anonymous we will do that. If you do not want your email address listed, please let us know and we will not list it. Thank you for trusting us with your prayer requests, 



"For where two or three are gathered together

in my name, there am I in the midst of them."

Matthew 18:20  NKJV

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"For where two or three are gathered together

in my name, there am I in the midst of them."

Matthew 18:20  NKJV

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Please keep Lieutenant Wade Sharp (Covington PD) and his family in your prayers.  He was killed while protecting his daughter during a violent storm in Mississippi while camping this week.




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Dear Bonnie and Maurice, thanks for all the wonderful emails you send. you both r a blessing to us all. I have found out I have breast cancer and will be going in for surgery the 3 of May. Please say a prayer for me. love and prayers to you.



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The Middle East is facing unprecedented turmoil.  The threats to Israel are mounting with each passing day.  Syria is now in chaos.  And the Palestinians intend to bring the terrorist group Hamas into their government. 

 If ever Christians in America were going to speak out for Israel, that time is now!

Christians United For Israel

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We are safe, no damage to us, praise the Lord!

Tornadoes were all around us, but none touched down in our location.  We got tons of rain...Lots of flooding...road damage...school has been out for two days.

The poor souls in Alabama have no electricity, so their food has spoiled...they are driving here to buy food and gas.  Our stores are already out certain items.

Please pray for the tornado victims.

 Thank you for praying for our safety...God answers prayers.




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Please pray for the state of Alabama and its residents. Please pray for their peace through this devastation. Please pray for the families who lost loved ones and for those that are missing. Please pray for everyone who have lost everything. Please pray that the ones who do not know the Lord will see his glory shine through this and come to know him. Amen.


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Hi Lord, it's me.  Things are getting bad here, gas prices are too high, no jobs, food and heating cost too high. I know some have taken you out of our schools, government & even Christmas. But Lord, I'm asking you to come back and re-bless America.  We really need you.

Thanks Lord, I love you!  The Lord says when 2 or more are gathered in My Name, there I will be also!!!Please God...please, bless America again..

Sent to us by Joyce Arender

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Ron received bad news today they told him the cancer is called small cell, and neither the Chemo or radiation is working. They are going to give him something else. If it don't work there is another method but it's extremely dangerous, its a liquid plus the chemo, most people die because the blood is so thin they bleed out. Please agree with us for Ron.

Kathy O'Shea


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Prayerfully, we go to the Lord for everything that is put in each email. We do our best to follow His wishes.

All of the glory for all of the material, graphics and music go to our Precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

We would really appreciate knowing how our Ministry has touched your life.

Please let us know by sending us an email to  heavenboundministries@heavenboundgroups.org


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Our graphics come from many sources.

There is no copyright infringement intended.

Credit will be given if known.


Today's beautiful headers were skillfully made by Karen Crouse


Other graphics shared here today are from Maurice


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Don't forget to share us with your family and friends.


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"I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending,
saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty."
Rev 1:8 (KJV)

Maurice & Bonnie Burgess

9 Woodruff St

Canton, NC  28716


Please Check out our other website...




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The Gospel IS free but is NOT without COSTS.
I pray you will ask the Lord what your part should be in supporting Heavenbound Ministries :-) 
My continuing  prayer is  that our Father blesses  each of  you  pressed  down, shaken  together  and running over-
Thank you for your consideration in stepping up to help this world-wide ministry.

Securely Donate

Hallelujah ~


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The Bishops ~ "When You Change Your Mind"  


"Our music is shared with us by Bobbye, Diane S., Karen Crouse, and Rita.

Thank you ladies, we cannot express our thanks enough.

The diversity of the music we are accumulating is absolutely wonderful.

Stick around, and you will hear many different styles of Christian music here.


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~Coffee Time With Bonnie~

Free, almost daily, motivational messages by Bonnie Burgess

Featuring "Pain with a Purpose", "Good Grief", "Holy Humor", and much more!

Subscribe:  coffeetimewithbonnie-subscribe@heavenboundgroups.org

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