
Friday, May 6, 2011

Re: (CS4U) Re: In a bad place/Brenbear

I have to chime in and say that my oldest son was "labeled" defiant.  He
questioned everything under the sun.  I found it disheartening that
the school system was too quick to label him when he was actually
"gifted and talented" and simply wanted to know everything inside and
out, and kept on asking questions until he was satisfied.  Normal is just
boring to them.
We have went through some really rough times but he is talking to me with
respect again.  Praise God. But he is still questioning everything and thinks
so different than "normal" which I find delightful and I enjoy listening to his
lectures on life to me now that he is an adult.
I think defining kids so young actually helps cause later defiant behavior.
Their natural curiosity is squashed.  They are not valued.  It confuses them to be punished when the intent in their heart isn't initially defiant. 

On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 6:20 PM, SueJohnson <kingzkidzsue@gmail.com> wrote:
Wonderful attitude kiddo.
God is still in control....do not let the diagnosis become too overwhelming.
Remember, God knows all the words and the dictionary and HE will guide you through it.
Remember , how we talked about praying and putting things in HIS hands , then just trusting HIM to make the best decisions for you ?
God knew what He was doing when he gave Becca to you !!
You are the very best Mama for her :<)
Continue to remember us in prayer.
-------Original Message-------
Date: 5/4/2011 9:35:16 AM
To: Group
Subject: Re: (CS4U) Re: In a bad place
Toni, thanks for the prayers. I have to remind myself that I still have a choice in how I feel and act. What Becca has along with ADHD is ODD which is Oppositional Defiant Disorder which means that I need to learn new coping skills. She throws tantrums, misunderstands others actions, needs very concrete directions, wants to know the littlest details and the word defiant says a lot. There is not a medication for this it is all behavior and the fact that she is 12 and that brings just plain 12 yr old behavior. Yes, it is a struggle to be sure, but I am growing up and learning new things everyday. She is a very smart kid, but at the same time she behaves much younger in her emotions than others her age. God is still God and I can not and do not want to ever forget that.
Love, bren 
-------Original Message-------
From: ToniO
Date: 5/3/2011 5:07:34 PM
Subject: (CS4U) Re: In a bad place
I will be praying for and Becca. I must be behind since we saw many
kids with ADD,ADHD, OCD.... Very often the kids were very smart and
therefore bored. I have not heard of OCC. Is she on any meds for this?
I'd just be careful with some of the meds they give to kids these
days. Is grief counseling part of any of this? I know not being able
to get out is depressing in itself. I am happy that Spring is here so
I can go out more with Cupid. Are you able to go for little walks?
Maybe Becca is going through her own grief and has lost interest in
things.  That's a lot of labels to put on a 12 year old. 12 can be a
difficult age for girl's to begin with. I had a pastor once tell me
years ago to come talk to him instead / also and it helped. I liked
LuAnn's post. You will both be in my prayers.
Love & HUGS,
> Hi friends, since I am no longer getting out and around people much the depression is sinking in again. Also my counselor and I took Becca to evaluated by the pychic we only see once a year and now it comes out she still has ADHD and now ODD (oppositonal deviant disorder) then just being 12. I really don't know if I can handle this right now. I am and always have been and inconsistant person so who knows. Sorry for spelling. Bren
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