
Friday, December 10, 2010

(CS4U) God Protection


God's Protection


"Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall."
Psalm 55:22


It's a promise that is made over and over again in the Bible: Whatever "it" is, God can handle it.

Life isn't always easy. Sometimes life can seem like a long, tiring, character-building, fear-provoking journey. But even when the storm clouds form overhead, even during our darkest moments, we're protected by a loving Heavenly Father.

When we're worried, God can reassure us; when we're sad, God can comfort us. When our hearts are broken, God is not just near; He is here. So we must lift our thoughts and prayers to Him. When we do, He will answer our prayers. Why? Because He is our Shepherd, and He has promised to protect us now and forever.

God's hand uplifts those who turn their hearts and prayers to Him. Will you count yourself among that number? Will you accept God's peace and wear God's armor against the temptations and distractions of our dangerous world? If you do, you can live passionately and confidently, knowing that even on the darkest days, you and your Heavenly Father can handle every challenge you face.


Dear Heavenly Father, You rule over the world, and my desire is that You also rule over my heart. Help me to trust You in all areas of my life. Empower me to be a faithful, obedient and available servant to Your will and desires for my life. I pray this in Jesus' Name. Amen

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