
Saturday, November 13, 2010

(CS4U) Vantage Point & Prayer Watch For November 13th, 2010

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Character Check
An employee at a state legislature found that representatives answered their constituents' letters in three ways. One merely acknowledged the receipt of the letter. Others always agreed with the letter writer, just to get their vote. The third type wrote, "I understand how you feel ... " and then went on to state their own viewpoint. The latter represented leaders who responded with integrity.
But you have upheld me because of my integrity, and set me in your presence forever.
Psalm 41:12
Webster defines integrity as "a firm adherence to a code of moral values, soundness, the quality of being undivided." A person who has integrity is trustworthy and dependable. He remains steadfast despite circumstances or what people think.

America needs leaders in this country who govern with integrity. How is it obtained? I Corinthians 15:58 tells you to be "immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain."
Pray today that the leaders of the nation will stand firmly and overflow with actions and decisions pleasing to God and characterized by integrity - and strive in your life to do the same, to His glory!
Recommended Reading: Psalm 26:1-12  Click to Read or Listen
D.G. - Your Prayer Team writing staffff
WE DEPEND UPON YOU. Your support gift this month is needed to help us remain financially sound and carry on providing resources, inspiration (like this devotional) and information to the largest group of intercessors praying for our country. This Prayer Team is supported only by the love gifts of God's people. Please give generously today.   --Your Prayer Team
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Important Dates for Next Week's Prayer Calendar (Click for more)

The current Congress returns to session on Monday. (Click above for other important activities next week).

G-20 Summit Ends with Watered-Down Agreement

Instead of specific steps to avert damaging currency and trade wars, the participants agree only to avoid 'competitive devaluation' of currencies, while President Obama insists progress was made.

Supreme Court Ruling Retains Don't Ask, Don't Tell For Now

The Supreme Court ruled Friday that a controversial law prohibiting homosexuals from openly serving in the armed forces can remain in place while the government appeals a federal judge's decision striking down the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Act.

Taliban Stealing U.S. Army Uniforms

Pentagon officials are warning commanders not to ship Army uniforms through the usual U.S. supply routes in Pakistan and Afghanistan because Taliban fighters are stealing them to "gain a tactical advantage on the battlefield."


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