
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

(CS4U) The Easiest Thing to do

The easiest thing to do when the alarm clock rings would be to roll over and go back to sleep. Yet if you made that choice every day you would never get anything accomplished.

The easiest thing to do when troubles come your way would be to look for someone else to blame. Yet even if you find who is to blame, that's not going to remedy the situation.

The easiest thing to do when faced with a challenge would be to run away and hide. Yet when you do that, the challenge becomes even more difficult the next time you encounter it, and eventually you'll be unable to avoid it.

Taking the easy way out is never really easy, not in the long run. Rather than seeking the easiest choice, seek the choice that will fill your life and your world with the most value.

Rather than avoiding effort, welcome that effort and the progress it will bring. Instead of being enticed by the empty promises of an easy answer, enjoy the rich rewards of holding out for the best answer.

When you have the choice, forget what is easiest and go with what is truly best.

Ralph Marston

"People will forget what you said,
People will forget what you did,
But people will never forget how you made them feel"
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