
Friday, March 11, 2011

(CS4U) Today’s Puzzles for Friday, March 11, 2011


Hope everyone has a wonderfully blessed and prosperous

day in the Lord today, and throughout this coming weekend.


This is coming from my friend, Pastor Karen.



Today's puzzle is: Gull Forward






The Braingle.com Trivia Quiz of the Day for Mar 11, 2011 is:


Title: Pick the Fruit - 1


Summary:  Christians believe that, when they live with Jesus, His Spirit produces special qualities, or "fruit", in their lives. Complete the following Bible verses with one of three "fruit" - love, joy, or peace. The New International Version has been used.



Sample Questions:


1. "And now these three remain: faith, hope and _____. But the greatest of these is _____." Pick the fruit.

2. Paul writes: "And the _____ of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Pick the fruit.

3. There is no fear in ____. But perfect ____ drives out fear". Pick the fruit.


Take the Quiz:






The Braingle.com Brain Teaser of the Day for Mar 11, 2011 is:


Title: The Great Beast

Category: Riddle



I am a wild, untamed beast:

I command respect and awe in most,

and those who regard me as harmless

will most likely find themselves dead by my hand.

Men cannot control me, or hold me behind bars,

But they ride me. However,

They must use caution, for at any moment I can

Rear up, throw them aloft,

and swallow them whole.

Poems have been written to my mighty roar,

And yet children play carelessly beside me.

I am a mighty entity, and one day

I shall rise above the entire Earth.

What am I?


You can get the answer, vote and comment on this puzzle here:






Pillow Fight!


Extremely Cute Tutorial

by: Jetty  or Here

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Gemini Mists

Artist: Unknown

Font: 0 Swing DNA

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March 27, 2009 

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