
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Re: (CS4U) Prayer request/Toni

Thank you Sue and the others for your prayers, I really appreciate it.
Just heard from my Internal Med doc.  She is increasing my thyroid medicine Again.  I've gone from 0.025 mcg to now 100 mcg in about 6 months.  Will need to recheck in about 8 weeks.  If not working will do a thyroid scan, etc.  The liver test was "pretty good".  I didn't ask!  If needed I know she'd do some more testing.  I do trust/like her very much as she's my Neuro's family physician.  If/when my Neuro retires, she will take over the Fibro/CFS side.  She has many patients with it and has worked with my Neuro on many patients throughout their 20 year relationship. Depression...yes..mood swings.  But depression is a symptom of Fibro; not the cause and it waxes and wanes.  I've had mood swings.  Internal med doc thinks it could be hormones that are exacerbating the Fibro/CFS.  Neuro doesn't think it's hormonal and may try a new med.  Feels we may be missing something.  Am going to try to eat a little now.  Ate some Cocoa Wheat's later last night and got slightly nauseated.  No nausea today but have only had a slice of bread with peanut butter and slept for 4 hours!!
Thank you...
Love and Hugs,

On Mon, Mar 7, 2011 at 1:02 PM, sue Johnson-overlin <foxmeadowsue@gmail.com> wrote:
Praying here, Toni.
I know what a challenge it is to have 2 apts in one day.
I am sure they will need to do a little blood work to figure out what is wrong.
No energy, no appetite, and sleeping a lot.....have you felt depressed?
Love you loads
-------Original Message-------
Date: 3/6/2011 11:09:43 PM
Subject: (CS4U) Prayer request
Tomorrow (Mon 3/7/11) I have appointments with both my Internal Med Doc and my Neuro.  They were made ahead of time and were routine but I haven't been feeling well AT ALL.  Sleeping A LOT, just NO energy to  do anything  and the last couple days no appetite.  Everything I try to eat makes me nauseated, so all I want is Ginger Ale. I tend to feel a little better at night.
Thank you.

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