
Friday, April 1, 2011

(CS4U) Today’s Puzzles for Friday, April 01, 2011



Hoping everyone has a wonderfully blessed and prosperous day in the Lord today,

and a blessed weekend as well.


Today's puzzle is: April







The Braingle.com Trivia Quiz of the Day for Apr 01, 2011 is:


Title: Bible Trivia!

Summary: How well do you know the Bible, from the creation to the resurrection?



Sample Questions:


1. Who built the ark?

2. How many of each unclean animal were taken on the ark?

3. Jesus was a Gentile.


Take the Quiz: http://www.braingle.com/trivia/quiz.php?id=12449&e=28ab15ae7e6327b7acb5e9cb45f9acd7





The Braingle.com Brain Teaser of the Day for Apr 01, 2011 is:


Title: Always Behind You

Category: Riddle



Though in theory I am always behind you,

I am also around to  remind you.

But in case it's your way to give me too much

say, I can hamper or, even worse, blind you.


What am I?



You can get the answer, vote and comment on this puzzle here:






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March 31, 2011 

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