
Thursday, December 23, 2010

(CS4U) Emails with No Subject....Please Read

In the past two days I have gotten several emails from family, friends, and even one person I haven't
spoken to in over 2 years.  All of these e's had one thing in common...there was no subject line; it was
either totally blank, or had (no subject), or Re: with nothing after it, or Fwd: with nothing after it. 
Without exception all of those emails were deleted.  Hackers will harvest your email and send to everyone
in your email list.  99% of the time those emails arrive with nothing in the subject line.  Having been bitten
by a hacker myself...and I e'd everyone in my address book to warn them not to open the email that was
without a subject line...I would rather be safe and miss an email than to open one and discover it contains
a virus or a bogus link that harvests my info.
Please be safe!  Don't open e's without a subject line not matter who it says sent it.  Also, add your own
email address to your address book.  Then, if your email is hacked you will know because you will get an
email from yourself.
If you don't recognize a sender, block that person, bounce the email back the them and delete.
Keeping all in my thoughts and prayers!

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