
Sunday, December 19, 2010

(CS4U) Re: Sunday in Md.

So glad to hear from you!!  I know you won't be reading this for awhile...unless you deleted a lot of email while you were at the library LOL
I don't even deal with the techs at the out sourced call centers any more.  As
soon as they start doing the check-list thing I immediately ask for an American tech.  They are required to route you stateside to a tech or pass you over to an American tech in the office.
American techs are able to listen and hear/comprehend what you are saying and go through the checklist at the same time.  They also won't make you repeat steps you've done prior to calling tech support.
I don't envy Paul having to go through 80 years of clutter!
I just know that Dakota was just as cute as she sang at the Christmas program as she was in this morning's skit :)
How are YOU doing?  How's that shoulder behaving?  And your breathing? 
You and yours continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
-------Original Message-------
Date: 12/19/2010 1:16:27 PM
Subject: Sunday in Md.
Our modem went out last Tuesday eve.
I am at the library, today. To have email access.
Verizon first sent us a new modem that arrived on Thursday. Christelle used all her phone minutes trying to get it to install, by Friday, we knew we needed a tech. So , she then used an hour of my minutes to get the tech scheduled.
Funny , how they do things ( we have talked about the across the world tech centers, before).
Chris reached the tech center which turned out to be in India. He would not make an appt until he had gone completely through his "check list" to confirm that a tech was needed, lol.....
So, a tech should be out on Monday am.
They think that the problem is in the verizon phone line . We will see.....
Paul is doing fine. He should be online soon, as his son is buying a Internet card for the desk top that Paul is using.
The family is having a bit of a hard time with the 2 deaths ( his Mom and his Aunt) within 2 days of one another. That also means there were 2 funerals 2 days apart.
He is excited about being back in his martial arts class and nearing black belt. He goes to class 4 nights a week. He has cleaned out his mom's closet, dresser, and he is now working on other cabinets with the years of clutter for the past 80 years......
The kids are doing fine. Dakota was in a skit this am , for Lottie Moon missionary society ....she was as cute as a button. Tonight , she is singing in the Christmas program. Then we have a church get together afterwards.
Next Sunday, there is no Sunday school or eve services ....all the deacons and the minister will be gone, so I image there will be a skeletal crowd, lol.
I should be back on line on Monday......
Big hugs

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