A clerical error at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, sent a supply clerk with the 82nd Airborne Division out the door of an airplane on his first parachute jump--without any formal training. Army Specialist Jeff Lewis, 23, who landed unhurt, said he was just doing what a good soldier is supposed to do: Follow orders. "The Army said I was airborne-qualified," Lewis said. "I wasn't going to question it."
Now, that's the kind of obedience God wants. In Genesis 22 we find a man named Abraham who was willing to give just that kind of obedience. Let's take a look.
What Does God Say?
In Genesis 22 Abraham traveled to the land of Moriah to sacrifice his only son as a burnt offering in obedience to God's command?
Abraham and Sarah had waited years to receive God's promise of a child. They loved Isaac deeply and wanted their little son. But Abraham was a man of obedience. And after so many years of faithfully serving God, he wasn't about to stop obeying Him. When we get to verse 8, we see the heart of Abraham's character.
In verse 7, Isaac asks, "'Behold, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?'"
Then in verse 8, "Abraham said, 'God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son'" (ESV).
Abraham, though he didn't understand God's command that he sacrifice his only son still trusted that God would provide if he obeyed. God had provided blessing after blessing in Abraham's life. And God had provided a son for Abraham and his wife even when they were very old. Abraham had seen too much to doubt God. And so he set off to obey God's instruction.
My Thoughts
As you read through Genesis 22:1-19, think about the following questions:
- Would people today respect Abraham's obedience to God's request? Why or why not?
- What would it take for you to trust God and obey Him even if what you desired with all your heart seemed to be in jeopardy?
- In what areas of your life are you finding it difficult to obey God?
My Part
If you have identified an area of your life where you are finding it difficult to obey God, ask God to help you be obedient. Then go one step further--ask someone you can trust to make you accountable for being obedient in that area.
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