
Monday, April 18, 2011

(CS4U) Prayer for our Outreach this week

This week, our congregation has chosen a development called Cedar Cove to invite to service for Easter Sunday.
This afternoon, Steve and I will be walking to 30 homes talking, and  leaving bags inviting families to worship.
I am asking that you will pray with all of us this week that out outreach efforts will fall on fertile ground. All of our lives are like a finely woven tapestry.......there is no way that we can tell directly how the threads will blend together as we work, we just have to have faith that the Lord (who is our master weaver) knows exactly where our efforts are needed.
My grandaughter, Amber asked me if I was sure that I could make the walk to 30 houses, I told her that I figure the Lord will take care of my endurance, and my partner is a strong young man in his 20's. If I need to I am sure that I can hold his arm.
I am excited to be an active part of this outreach.
More news later tonight or first thing in the am if I am overly tired from the jaunt.
PS. When Dakota saw my bags, she announced,"those are the bags that we put together in G.A.'s, there are 10 bags in each batch.".....another thread in those tapestries this time , done by the 4-6th grade girls on Wednesday night..
Graphics From The WWW
Letter Made By Melissa M

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