
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

(CS4U) Prayer Request and Monday in Roselle!!

I meant to post this sooner but.....
Please keep my pastor in prayer.  He had surgery today for a benign tumor on his lung.  Will be in the hospital about a week then 2 - 3 weeks recoup time.
Yesterday Cupid and I both had dental appointments!
Cupid's teeth looked great (I've even gotten compiment's on how white, etc., they look) and they exepected his to be the easiest of the day.  I brush, spray, wipe, give him greenies, carrots, etc., etc., etc
Well they now have digital X-Rays for dental procedures and found 2 teeth that had to come out.  One had a pus pocket naked to the bare eye. I have lovely pictures!  He also had roots from a baby tooth that were still there.  I do have insurance so will get reimbursed for some of it.  He cried on and off all night.  They told me it was mainly from the disorientation, etc., from the anesthesia.  He goes Monday for his follow-up check up.  Until then I have to mush his food.  Has 3 days worth of pain pills. Poor little guy, he had to fast from 9pm Sunday until today.  I finally gave him 2 Cheerios moistened @ 5am!  Then gave him his usual 1/2 c./day of food but crushed and moistened a table spoon @ a time.
Then I went for my appt. after dropping him off and I have 4 cavities.  Have to go back to get them done.  I do have insurance, PTL!  Glad I took it.  The cleaning, full X-Rays, check up, etc., are covered 100%.  Then 80% for the fillings.
After my dental appt. I came home and figured I better eat before picking Cupid up because he'd want to eat.  They said they wanted to keep him until 7pm for monitoring.
So I cooked pierogi's.  Well.....I used Olive Oil and forgot you have to be more careful with it than other oils.  ALL OF THE SUDDEN I HAD FLAMES in the kitchen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was able to grab the skillet without getting burned and get the fire out.  But in the meantime the house was so full of smoke I could hardly breathe.  My alarm went off. When I got the fire out I opened everything including the door to my unit.  Then the hall alarm went off to no ones attention!!  As the smoke died down, the alarms went off.  One neighbor finally poked his head in after it was over.  WHAT A MESS!  My cabinets got burnt a little, the under cabinet light area, wall, etc., etc.  So I did the best I could cleaning up the black soot.  I cleaned the floor 3 times and it still needs another good cleaning.
I FINALLY did cook them and ate.
Then went to get Cupid in the dark and when we left it started sleeting/snowing....great!  It's hard enough to see pulling out anywhere because the snow is piled up VERY high from plowing. By this time my battery was running low on my phone so I figured I'd just charge it in the car.  WELL, had the wrong charger!!   I took pictures of the snow around here but my computer attachment thing isn't working.  Little by little it's falling apart!  They did do a good job getting the roads cleaned off last week though.  We were only snowed in 1/2 -1 day.  The city is still digging out!
OK, tired....Nite!

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